Rayon Daley was born in the garden parish of St. Ann Jamaica
He grew up in the cool hills of Manchester from the tender age of two years with his mother, father, and 3 brothers.
He is the first of four boys and the first of twins.
He holds membership at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Albion Manchester (Jamaica) where he would have served in various capacities.
Pastor Daley has been Married to Nadia J. Washington-Daley since December 18, 2016.
Mrs Nadia Washington-Daley serves as a Lecturer in the Department of Biology at Northern Caribbean University (Main Campus in Mandeville), yet she finds the time to support him in Ministry.
He has found her to be a great support in Ministry, and for that, he is always thankful.
Preaching Experience
In fulfilling the gospel commission, Pastor Daley was able to preach the everlasting gospel around the world and would have witnessed the transformation of lives been changed as they accepted Jesus as their Saviour.
Some of these places are as follows:
Bahamas, Belize,
Canada, Cayman, China
England, Jamaica, Trinidad,
and the United States of America amongst many other countries.
Canvassing Experience:
Even while preaching he would have seen the need to utilize his canvassing gifts and abilities as a powerful witnessing tool in spreading the everlasting gospel.
2015 Ontario Canada
2016 St. John’s New Brunswick Canada
2017 Mandeville Jamaica
2018 Nassau Bahamas
2019 Red Deer, Alberta Canada
2019 Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
God has used him to bring hundreds (100's) into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ who has submitted their lives to Him through baptism.
He is a man of prayer and believes that with God all things are possible.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion from Nothern Caribbean University.
He serves as the Chairman for the Smart Starters Inclusive Special Education located at Cross Road Byndloss St. Catherine
Pastoral District
In August 01, 2022. He was called to serve in the Hellshire District of Seventh-day Adventist Churches as an Intern Pastor with Senior Pastor Everette Rowe.
Nevertheless, He was then asked to serve the Palm District of Churches as the host Pastor by February 01, 2023 where he was installed on February 11, 2023 by the President of Central Jamaica Conference (Pastor Nevail Barrette). And served until November 31, 2024 where the Lord would have used him to bring One Hundred and Twenty (120) precious into the kingdom of God and he takes no glory for himself, but gives to God all the honour, glory, and praise.
The Central Jamaica Conference would has seen it fit to ask Pastor Rayon Daley give of service to the Ewarton District of Seventh-day Adventist Churches effective Sunday December 01, 2024 to which he accepted gladly.
He believes that the same Holy Spirit which worked in times past is able to work in Ewarton District of SDA Churches by bringing men and women to Jesus.
Everything rises and falls on evangelism
When asked how he is doing you will always hear “I am happy to be alive.”
It is no secret of the love he has for young people and evangelism; nevertheless, there is a lot that can be said about Pastor Rayon Daley but the most important thing is that he loves the Lord.